India, the second largest producer of silk in the world, cultures all the five kinds of silks, namely mulberry, tasar, oak tasar, eri and muga. Indian sericulture today presents a picture of an established, flourishing and well organized industry spread all over the country. Today India produces over 16,000 T of silk annually and earns over Rs.2700 Crores from exports. Much of the progress in the field of sericulture is due to the efforts undertaken by Central Silk Board and its various research organizations.

The large production houses can exploit the following opportunities in the sericulture industry.
- Sericulture industry is still unorganized in cocoon production and reeling activities.
- The scale of operations is traditional and labour intensive.
- Low capital and poor technology adoption in cocoon production and reeling.
- Low productivity and quality of Indian silk besides high cost of production.
- A large number of intermediaries.
- Under utilization of by-products.
- Poor resource management, namely land, water, labour and energy.
- To create awareness for quality upgradation through adoption of modern technologies.
- To identify the potential areas/ clusters for growth and investment in sericulture.
- To help entrepreneurs to crystallize their ideas into bankable projects.
- To evaluate and appraise the projects in sericulture.
- To extend management and technical packages for sericulture related activities.
- To help in development of manpower through HRD.
- Corporate/ companies who enter into the production process directly or contracting farmers.
- Partnership firms and individuals.
- Development agencies and NGOs.
- Banks and financial institutions.
- Large scale farmers.
- Foreign organizations/nationals.
- Feasibility studies.
- Project formulation.
- Undertaking survey & pilot projects.
- Project appraisal.
- Technical / Management consultancy.
- Technology transfer.
- Research & development.
- Training.
- Market research.
- Monitoring and evaluation studies.
- Evaluation of NGOs.
- Product testing and grading services.
- Liason services.
- Follow-up consultancy.
- On Turnkey basis.
- Retainer consultancy.
- Problem based diagnostic consultancy.
- Routine consultancy.
- Commercial Egg Production.
- Production of saplings [Planting material – Kisan Nurseries].
- Chawki (young age) Rearing Centers.
- Large Scale Cocoon Production.
- Production and distribution of Bio-control Agents.
- Production and supply of Bio-fertilizers.
- Production and supply of compost (Enriched compost and vermi-compost).
- Production and supply of sericulture inputs.
- Services for sericulture sector.
- Preparation of value added products from the by products in sericulture.
- Mass multiplication of bio-control agents.
The CSRTI, Mysore is equipped with experienced staff, modern laboratories, training facilities, communication network, hostels, library, workshop etc. and poised to undertake various types of Seri Consultancy Services.