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A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees - Open to Public

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The research monitoring is done by the RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RAC) & RESEARCH COUNCIL (RC) in this Institute and it is not open to public. However the minutes of these meetings are accessible to public. There are few other Committees which are mainly related with office administration.
a) RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RAC): To review the progress of on-going projects, technologies under trial/ demonstration/ commercialization, training, new project under formulation etc. and to suggest guidelines in priority areas. The Committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of an external expert. The Committee meets once in 6 months. The present Committee was constituted in 2014 for a period of 3 years.
No. Name Designation Address
Prof. S. R. Niranjana
Professor & Hon'ble VC
GulburgaUniversity, Jnana Ganga
Kalaburagi - 585 106, Karnataka
Dr. Chandrasekharaiah
Director (Rtd.), APSSRDI
Kathriguppe, BSK III Stage
Bengaluru - 560 085, Karnataka
Dr. A. Ramesh Sundar
Principal Scientist
Plant Pathology, Sugarcane Breeding Institute (ICAR)
Coiambatore - 641 007, Tamil Nadu
Prof. Ranganathan Ramani
Director (Rtd.)  (IINRG) 
2A, Visakha, Doshi Nakshatra 1, 
Old SBI Colony, West Tambaram, Chennai 600 045 
Prof. K.C. Narayana Swamy
Department of Sericulture
University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS)
GKVK, Bengaluru - 560 065, Karnataka
6. Dr. K.P. Chinnaswamy,
Professor & Head
Member Dept. of Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences,
GKVK, Bangalore
7. Commissioner of Sericulture, 
Govt. of Karnataka
Member 5th Floor, M. S. Building, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi,
Bengaluru - 560 001, Karnataka
8. Director of Sericulture,
Govt. of Tamilnadu
Department of Sericulture, Nethaji Nagar, Hasthampatty
Salem - 636 007, Tamil Nadu
9. Commissioner of Sericulture,
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
TTPC Building, First Floor, Old Market Yard
Chuttugunta (Besides Mini Rythu Bazar)
Guntur - 522 007, Andhra Pradesh
10. Commissioner of Sericulture,
Govt. of Telungana
Road No. 72, Prashasan Nagar, Adjacent to Water Tank,
Jubilee Hills,  
Hyderabad - 500 033, Telangana
11. Director of Sericulture,
Govt. of Maharastra
Member New Administrative Building, No.2, B-Wing,  VI Floor,
Civil Lane,  Nagpur – 440 010. Maharashtra
12. The Commissioner,
Govt. of Kerala
Member Commissionerate of Rural Development, LMS Compound,
Vikas Bhavan,  Thiruvananthapuram-695 033,  Kerala
13. The Commissioner,
Govt. of Madhaya Pradesh
Member Directorate of Sericulture, Lower Basement,
Satpura Bhavan, Bhopal – 461 004, Madhya Pradesh
14. Director (Technical),
Central Silk Board
Member P.B. No. 6825, CSB Complex, BTM Layout,Hosur Road, Madivala,
Bangalore-560 068.
15. Director, CSTRI Member Ist Floor, CSB Complex, BTM Layout,Hosur Road, Madivala,
Bangalore-560 068.
16. Director, CSR&TI Member-Convenor Manandawadi Road, Srirampura, Mysore-570008.
Two Farmers/ Stakeholders nominated by respective State Department of Sericulture
Note: The Scientists and Head of Sub-units of CSRTI will be invitees.

b) OTHER COMMITTEES:  The following committees constituted with in-house Chairperson & members mainly for smooth office administration.

NO. NAME & Designation   Division / sECTION
1. Director, CSRTI, Mysore Chairman, OLIC  
2. Dr. B.T. Srinivas, Scientist-D Member FMS
3. Sh. K. Rajasekhar, Scientist-D Member Training Division
4. Sh. N.G. Selvaraju,  Scientist-D Member SEEM Division
5. Dr. Vineet Kumar,  Scientist-D Member PMCE
6. Dr. Mary Josepha, Scientist-D Member Silkworm Crop Protection
7. Dr. C.M. Kishore Kumar, Scientist-D Member BBL
8. Dr. S. Purushotham Member RTI
9. Dr. J.B. Narendra Kumar, Scientist-D Member PML
10. Dr. Mandira Murthy, Scientist-D Member Bolecular Biology II
11. Sh. M.N. Chandrashekhar, Sci-D Member Reeling
12. Dr. P.M. Prateesh Kumar, Scientist-D Member Mulberry Pathology
13. Sh. K.B. Chandrashekar, Scientist-D Member MBL
14. Dr. Gandhi Doss,  Scientist-D Member MBG
15. Dr. P.C. Shantha, Scientist-D Member TVDC
16. Dr. Sihayen Sen, Scientist-C Member SSC
17. Dr. V. K. Yadav,  Scientist-C Member Agronomy
18. Sh. V. Ganesan, DD(C) Member Computer Cenre
19. Sh. B.Y. Talwar, LIO Member Library
20. Sh. Dheeraj Kumar, DD(F) Member Accounts Section
21. Dr.G.S. Aruna Kumar, Scientist-B Member Molecular Biology
22. Dr.Y. Thiruppataiah, Scientist-B Member SW Physiology
23. Dr. Tanmay Sarkar, Scientist-B Member Host Plant Improvement
24. Ms. Joycy Rani,  Scientist-B Member SEEM
25. Dr. Vaijayanthy, Scientist-B Member Mulberry Physiology
26. Sh. Venkat Reddy Member Maintenance Section
27. Smt. B. Giijamma, AD(A & A) Member Accounts Section
28. Sh. H.K. Rama Rao, AD(A & A) Member Store Section
29. Sh. B.S. Vishwanath, AD(A & A) Member Establishment
30. Sh. S.K. Upadhyaay, DD(OL) Member Convener Hindi Section


The research monitoring at RSRSs level is done by the REGIONAL RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RRAC). This Committee under the Chairmanship of Concerned DOS will guide, monitor and evaluate the research and extension work of RSRSs as also extension units. The meeting is conducted once in 6 months. The present Committee was constituted in November, 2007 for a period of 3 years. There are few other committees like purchase review, quarters allottment, maintenance, library, etc. which are mainly related with office administration of respective RSRS.