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For the steady growth of an industry, a continuous flow of trained professionals is most important. The role of CSRTI has always been on high pedestal in the area of human resource development in sericulture. The CSRTI started generating the human resource in India and other countries, especially of tropical region, by imparting training in sericulture. These efforts resulted in the establishment of an International Centre for Training and Research in Tropical Sericulture (ICTRETS) in 1980 under the Indo-Swiss Technical Cooperation programme. This had a major impact in developing and spreading Indian Tropical Sericulture Technologies to various developing countries and thus helping in generation of adequate manpower to meet the various challenges of developing world, besides providing cooperation between India and other countries.
The Institute also conducts several human resource development programmes for different target groups, in collaboration with various government agencies like Department of Science & Technology (DST) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India. The DBT has extended financial support for the establishment of an exclusive Seri-Technology Complex for Women, to update the knowledge and develop skill among women sericulturists. Under this programme, the women participants are provided hands-on-practice exposure on various important aspects of mulberry sericulture like Integrated Nutrient & Disease Management in Mulberry by Eco-friendly Approach, Young-age Silkworm Rearing, Composite Silkworm Rearing, Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Silkworm by Eco-friendly Approach, Silkworm Seed Production, Value Addition by Bye-products of Sericulture Industry and Drudgery Reduction through Ergonomically Sound Appliances/Hand tools. The DST has also extended assistance for the use of machines, hand tools, etc. to reduce the drudgery of women sericulture activities. These programmes for women are fully sponsored and participants are provided free boarding-loading and exemption of course fee.
The trainees from abroad are financially supported under various government programmes like Indian Technical & Economic Co-operation (ITEC), Special Commonwealth African Assistance Plan (SCAAP), Colombo Plan, Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), etc.

Training Facilities: It is equipped with all the required modern facilities and supported with professionally competent scientists-cum-faculty for conducting various training programmes. It has well equipped conferences and lecture halls with latest audio-visual aids, Computer facility with internet, LAN, rearing houses & mulberry garden etc.
Hostel facilities: The CSR&TI has good hostel facilities for boarding and lodging. It has separate hostel for men and women, which accommodate 150 incumbents at a time. These hostels have furnished rooms, spacious dinning halls kitchen and visitor lounges.

Several other amenities like medical services, transport communication etc., are also available for the welfare of the trainees and students. Since, 2005 the training division is accredited with ISO 9001 - 2008 certification for its quality management system in design, development and conduct of training courses related to sericulture. It has become India's first institution to be ISO 9001 certified for all its systematic approaches and practices in providing training in sericulture, bench marking it with one among the best across the world.
Mission of Training Programmes: It is to train Officials and farmers in a qualitative manner, so that they become effective in service delivery, CSR&TI, Mysore, has been undertaking training in different aspects of pre-cocoon sector. It has identified six segments of the training programmes.